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Showing posts from June, 2020

Creating word cloud in python

Word Cloud in Python In this article we will learn how we can implement word cloud in python using the wor dcloud library. Thinking about what is word cloud ? The image that you are seeing above a word cloud . WordCloud is the cluster of words of different sizes , colors and orientation in which the size of the word is determined by the frequency of times it occurs on a text. To implement simple rectangular word cloud we need to install some python libraries - wordcloud matplotlib To implement word cloud of particular shape we need to install some additional python libraries - numpy PIL Explanation of the libaries - wordcloud -  This library provides the fuctionality through which wordcloud can be implemented without writing tons of codes. matplotlib -  Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. It is a plotting library which is used for data visualization. numpy  - Numpy  i